NOSHA Meets in Remote Livingston Location to Learn About LIGO Many, if not most of the advances in the discipline of science and its utilitarian child technology have come from man’s ability to devise new ways to observe, measure and record the physical world around him—and the worlds beyond his own.   At last count, there are five space observatories in Louisiana, all but one resemble the image most visualize when hearing the term, of an igloo- or dome-shaped building […]

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Together we lost our great friend and mentor, Harry Greenberger ( June 22, 1927 – May 3, 2017 )

Marshall Harris addressed the audience at the monthly May 20 program of NOSHA and we felt this was a wonderful statement to share with everyone who knew and loved Harry. Harry was the most unique of friends in his way of giving, his honesty and sincerity. I don’t think I’ll ever come across a friend quite like him ever again in my lifetime. He lived his life his way. He pretty much took charge of every aspect, even his exit. […]

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New Orleans Has a (Plastic) Trash Problem

The ubiquitous plastic grocery bag, with high tensile strength disguised in its tissue paper sheer, along with water bottles and coated aluminum cans, is deservedly near the bullseye of environmentalists’ target for elimination. New Orleanians go through 225 such bags PER DAY, which comes to nearly 2.5 billion in a typical year. No Waste NOLA was a part of the larger coalition Louisiana Reusable Bag Alliance supporting a city ordinance which would have placed a ten-cent fee on non-recyclable plastic […]

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News… More or Less. Non-Fake

Since the recent retirement of the production manager at the Humanist Advocate, (NOSHA’s quarterly newsletter) the editors will use this blog to report on the recent goings-on with our group—official events or impromptu get-togethers, or co-participation with other groups’ events. Many thanks to John Simon for putting up with Charlotte and me for nearly two years, and good luck to him and his career. If anyone has the experience and software tools to design and publish to the web a […]

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 (Another newsletter submission from our November 19 meeting) Sally Jackson was, at different times, a band director, trumpet player, and professional photographer before she moved to New Orleans from Houston and subsequently began to express herself through writing novels and poetry. That was also the time she transitioned at the mature age of of 57, though she had known she was different at the age of four. Caroline L’huillier was born into a military family two months premature on All […]

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Just a Walk in the Park

To follow is an article from our current newsletter, The Humanist Advocate (Issue 1, 2017) September 24 The “Unholy Strollers,” the unofficial walking (and parading) group of the also unofficial NOSHA Social Aid and Pleasure Club turned out a good participation for The 27th Chevron No/AIDS Walk—a yearly fall fundraising event organized by the No/AIDS Task Force. Not only did 11 walkers make the two-lap trip around Audubon Park, but the NOSHA group pledged at least $650, both of which […]

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A Cornucopia, Through Research

  To follow is an article from our current newsletter, The Humanist Advocate (Issue 1, 2017) October 15 A research director with the U. S. Department of Agriculture brought a large, open-mouth shopping bag with him for his presentation to our October meeting. In the bag were many of the products the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), a branch of the USDA is credited with developing. The director, K. Thomas Klasson, Ph.D, has been known to the regulars and some occasional guests […]

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Times-Picayune Columnist Has Guides for Understanding Politics

  To follow will be a series of articles from what would have been our current newsletter, The Humanist Advocate (Issue 1, 2017). Unfortunately, our production manager, John Simon, was unable to continue volunteering his time with us into the new year due to changes to his professional work load. Many thanks to John for his help this past year! However, that doesn’t mean you have to miss the excellent reviews of our fall events by Board Member and reporter, Marty […]

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The Duty, the Irony: We’re All in the Same Boat in More Ways than One

  On November 7, 2016, most of us involved in the humanist end of secular, or non- or atheist activism, or to those with  just enough interest or curiosity about human rights issues, from race relations to sexual identity and much more,  probably started the day with a sense of a coming renewal of the confidence that went with recent legislation and court decisions, for the most part favorable, and a sense that the last bulwarks against an equal appreciation […]

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A Dispatch from Kenner: Meeting Muslims for the First Time

  Twenty four hours ago I attended a “Meet-A-Muslim” gathering in Kenner, Louisiana at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Center. Every Wednesday from 6-7pm people of  “all faiths, or no faith” are invited for a short talk about the origin of that particular brand of Islam, listen to a short incantation from the Qoran view a short video and have the opportunity to ask any question that one might have concerning Islam. Then you mingle while enjoying the most delicious cake […]

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