You’re 25 Only Once

The following is an address made at the 25th Anniversary celebration of NOSHA’s founding, held at Messina’s Runway Cafe located at the Lakefront Airport on September 21, 2024. Following the address, recognition of the members in attendance who were at the very first meeting and some that joined very soon after: David and Connie Schultz, Will Hunn, Lucy Tierney, and John-Patrick and Patricia Lestrade and Grant and Suzy Smith, as well as Charlotte Klasson stood to the appreciative applause of […]

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Hello New Orleans

On reading the following article—which was New Orleans’ informal public “introduction” to NOSHA—written by the now-retired Times-Picayune columnist Bruce Nolan one Saturday morning, I remember thinking to myself something like “hmm, very interesting..” followed by a quick rejection of the idea of getting involved, using the standard rationalizations that everyone has for not joining a group—”too busy…not enough spare time…I really wouldn’t like it….too much other stuff I need to do”. Twelve years later all those excuses had somehow disappeared […]

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In the Beginning…..A Group Seeking Answers

It’s that time of year again. Although the  formation of NOSHA  has been marked as August, 1999, other birthday commemorations have been scheduled in September, or later.  Somewhere around this time each year though, we recognize the resolve of the dozen or so dedicated freethinkers that saw the importance of establishing a forum for their contemporaries—in a city where a group openly touting religious heresies mixed with social and individual freedoms would have been unthinkable, or short lived at best.  David […]

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BOOK REVIEW: Create Your Own Religion: A How-To Guide for Believers, Doers, and Seekers by Daniele Bolelli

Review by Daniel Meden. August 2024   Create Your Own Religion: A How-To Guide for Believers, Doers, and Seekers by Italian professor and martial artist, Daniele Bolelli, explores personal spirituality and belief systems across all corners of the globe. Bolelli encourages a critical examination of traditional religions and asks readers to consider creating their own belief systems based on unique needs and values. He argues that many conventional religions are outdated and fail to address the complexities of modern life. […]

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Why History is Not a Good Excuse for a Bad Idea

Adding a law to the state books every so often that puts a new twist on old time religion by Louisiana’s  congresspersons is always considered in good form by them, as doing so publicly affirms their loyalty and reverence to the gods in the Bible, and encourages, by the force of law, Louisiana citizens to do the same. Since the early 1980s, one fundamentalist Christian-based law after another has been heaped on the Louisiana statutes, and most of them remain. […]

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Onward, To the Past

Last August I received an invitation to attend the inaugural meeting of La Nouvelle Vendée (LNV) , to be held in a low slung metal community building in Arnaudville, a village a few miles north of Lafayette, and on the western reach of the Atchafalaya Swamp. The promoters had gotten my email address from somewhere—probably from my searching for information about “the other” Christian theocratic movement: the Catholic version. So much has been written about the political aspirations of so […]

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My Thoughts on Machiavelli

Dr. Martyn Thompson (pictured left with NOSHA member Lucy Wells Tierney, the author) described Machiavelli at NOSHA in May. My take: The end justifies the means; it’s in a cycle. Here are my rough and ignorant notes, only for you few: Machiavelli on the Use and Purpose of Political Violence   M (Machiavelli) told his readers he travels a road no one has travelled before me, abandoning commonplace morality for the truth about political reality. What does he mean by […]

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Farewell Fellow Traveler

Dean Bedekar joined the NOSHA board of directors and soon took on the position of treasurer. His education and work background were more than adequate for our not-too-complicated financial affairs. His business savvy soon became apparent when he suggested that from time to time we should organize fundraising campaigns to give us the wherewithal to attract well-known speakers, along with buying advertising, which in turn would increase interest in our programs, attract more members, and perpetuate and grow the organization. […]

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Paradise Lost

Several months ago I made a resolution to break out of the echo chamber that all of us get into–and some never leave. Just being honest with oneself you have to admit getting into a bubble is a way to learn and appreciate the thoughts and beliefs of those in your tribe—up to a point, at which it then starts repeating itself, offering nothing new.  My project is to seek out the literature of public theologians, clergy, and even a  […]

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On Moving Out and Moving Up

Probably many of us that have been with NOSHA for a while are living the curious wisdom of the unforgettable and more counterintuitive of Shakespeare’s quotations: Parting is such sweet sorrow.  William Gautreaux’ friendship with NOSHA began in the mid-2000s, and evolved into a relationship of dedicated participation in all things NOSHA, including writing articles for this blog, volunteering for any project that needed bodies (and minds!), including the  planning and organization of social events and banquets, leading the discussion […]

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