Getting our message out to the community
NOSHA would like to get our message out to our community. Anyone interested in finding out more about us and secular humanism can attend our regular meetings. See our Calendar for a schedule of meeting dates and events.
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact Board President Charlotte Klasson. Klasson is available for presentations to the media and area organizations about the separation of church and state and other humanist issues.
NOSHA is accepting donations for our advertising fund which will place advertisements on street cars, billboards and other possible media outlets. All contributions marked for “advertising” will be used exclusively for that purpose.
Speaker’s Fund
Our most ambitious program is to bring speakers of note for whom we will need honoraria and travel expenses. A donation of $500-1000 will allow us to substantially defray the expense of hotel, food and flights to New Orleans for one speaker.
Contributions to NOSHA are tax deductible since we are a 501(c)3 corporation. Please consider funding one of these programs.