The New Orleans Secular Humanist Association is dedicated to raising the awareness of people of the Gulf Coast region to the ideals and values of secular humanism.
What is Humanism?
Humanists reject superstitious beliefs. Instead, we can make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared values. We can make the best of life by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves, and choosing to take responsibility for our actions.
It is important to act morally towards others, not because of a divine imperative, but because people have inherent dignity. We have only one life, it is our responsibility to make it a good life, and to live it well.
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Please see the NOSHA Meetup Calendar for all scheduled events.
On reading the following article—which was New Orleans’ informal public “introduction” to NOSHA—written by the now-retired Times-Picayune columnist Bruce Nolan one Saturday morning, I remember thinking to myself something like “hmm, very interesting..” followed by a quick rejection of the idea of getting involved, using the standard rationalizations that everyone has for not joining a group—”too busy…not enough spare time…I really wouldn’t like it….too much other stuff I need to do”. Twelve years later all those excuses had somehow disappeared…
It’s that time of year again. Although the formation of NOSHA has been marked as August, 1999, other birthday commemorations have been scheduled in September, or later. Somewhere around this time each year though, we recognize the resolve of the dozen or so dedicated freethinkers that saw the importance of establishing a forum for their contemporaries—in a city where a group openly touting religious heresies mixed with social and individual freedoms would have been unthinkable, or short lived at best. David…
Review by Daniel Meden. August 2024 Create Your Own Religion: A How-To Guide for Believers, Doers, and Seekers by Italian professor and martial artist, Daniele Bolelli, explores personal spirituality and belief systems across all corners of the globe. Bolelli encourages a critical examination of traditional religions and asks readers to consider creating their own belief systems based on unique needs and values. He argues that many conventional religions are outdated and fail to address the complexities of modern life….